This is the final installment of the action on the KPD in this series. The last cars to be delivered will be handled by the KP&W on their Mountain Branch to Bloomberg.
Once again thoughtful blocking at Terminal Yard made it easy for the West Mill Yard crews.
These three Penn Central boxcars were nicely put together for a trip to Bloomberg's industrial parks.
Three additional "nonplayer cars" are added to the train as the KP&W waits until there are at least five cars before dispatching to Bloomberg
As part of regular West Mill action, SD9 #6925 finishes pushing loaded coal hoppers on the car float for Port Owen's power plant...
...while SW9 #8951 approaches the cut of cars for Bloomberg to position them for KP&W power to take them "up mountain".
The Dispatcher has indicated that the mainline is clear for an hour and a half so the Bloomberg cut can sit there for KP&W RS3 #566 to pick them up.
RS3 #566 is on the move from the engine track
Coupling up with the cars for Bloomberg
Pulling forward to confer with KP Tower and waiting for a caboose.
Watch this action in the video below:
SW9 #8951 pulls a KP&W bay window hack for the Bloomberg Run. The crew is very grateful its not their usual austere transfer caboose known as the "Spam Can". Its gonna be a good trip!
The KP&W conductor thanks the switcher for his comfortable accommodations and the train gets underway.
Taking the cut off to the Mountain Branch
Up in Bloomberg Extra #566 will be switching Van Winkle Canning and Woodstock Natural Soda (on the other side of the tracks by truck with the yellow cab). Nothing for Catskill Mt. Pres today.
The cars slowly approach Van Winkle Canning from the left.
Watch PC #360063 and PC #229046, both loaded with printed labels from Berk Enterprises, get set out at Van Winkle followed by two empty cars being dropped off for Woodstock Hills in the video below:
Moving on to the other side of town PC plug door boxcar #360158, loaded with beautiful wood TV console cabinets from Superior Furniture, is set out at Zenith TV. "The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On!"
All cars forwarded from Terminal Yard have now been delivered to their consignees. Thanks for watching this series! Be sure to see John's New York Central Train Layout installments HERE!