Hello once again folks!
John's New York Central Train Layout and my own Kings Port Division are delivering cars to their consignees in these "inbound " portions of this latest Penn Central Car Movement series. Action today starts at the Kings Port & Western's Williams Yard near Kings Port. Cars that were dropped off in a previous installment by PC train VKWM-13 have been sorted. The irrigation pipes carried by PC gondola #288673 are being unloaded for the Hudson Valley Ag Coop.
The other virtual ops cars have been included on today's WiBi-3 to Binghamton. The manifest includes eight coal hoppers for Corning Glass Company and GM&O boxcar #21129 that will be dropped off at West Mill on the way for eventual delivery to Peerless Appliance.
Today's WiBi will run with pooled B&O/KP&W F7As. The B&O is a partner of the KP&W, interchanging at Binghamton. Sometimes a B&O set is added to KP&W trains in Binghamton to augment shortages of KP&W power. They are heading back home on this trip.
Watch the WiBi leave while a KP&W RDC runs on the high line.
Meanwhile over at West Mill, a Southbound Local is dispatched to serve Half Moon Wholesale Lumber Distributors. A single GP9 is assigned to this short train.
The virtual ops cars on this train are a pair of empty Southern R.R. bulkhead flats for Half Moon Wholesale Lumber Distributors.
A yard crewman provides the roll-by inspection as the train backs out of West Mill.
After backing onto the main the train proceeds south
The South Local sets out cars at Half Moon and will return to West Mill shortly.

The Wibi arrives at West Mill and drops off one car, GM&O #21129 loaded with wire harnesses and controls from Bruce Electric, for Peerless Appliance. Usually cars for industries near the KP&W's Mayfield Yard like GM&O #21129 would be put on a transfer from Williams Yard directly to Mayfield, but as the sole car to be forwarded to Mayfield it was tacked on the WiBi for convenience.
GM&O #21129 sits on a siding waiting to be brought into West Mill Yard. The quartet of F7As returns to the train for the trip to Binghamton.
Watch the WiBi leave West Mill for Binghamton while the South local returns in the video below
The next day the eight hoppers are sorted at Binghamton and put on a train for Corning Glass Co.

Meanwhile back at West Mill the GM&O car that was set out by the WiBi is being pulled into the yard.
It is coupled up to this former NYC Pacemaker, empty for Amalgamated Container. The two cars will be forwarded to the Mayfield Yard by the KP&W's next Mayfield Transfer.
A couple of hours later today's Mayfield Transfer arrives and drops off a string of loaded coal hoppers from the Lehigh Valley connection. The reduced number of freight cars in the yard gave the KP&W Geeps the opportunity to do a quick run around and get behind the cut of cars going to Mayfield, including the Pacemaker and GM&O car.
Watch the Mayfield Transfer back out of West Mill in the video below:
After getting on the mainline by WM Tower the Transfer receives permission to proceed to Mayfield.
After reaching Mayfield Yard the GM&O car and the Pacemaker are put on a local serving Peerless Appliance...
...and Amalgamated Container Co. (ACCO)
The remaining virtual ops cars still at West Mill are bound for Bloomberg industries.
The road-weary Rock Island car is a "non-player" tacked on the train to meet West Mill's minimum requirement of five cars before dispatching the Bloomberg Turn (WMB-1)
Virtual ops cars include The EL and HRC cars loaded with perishable foods for Van Winkle Canning....
...and NH #36116 with its load of new cans for Van Winkle. NYC Early Bird #90718 is empty for REVCO to fill with kitchen gadgets.
Watch the Bloomberg Turn back out of West Mill in the video below:
Now ready to go on the mainline, the crew confers with the WM Tower operator prior to receiving permission to proceed.
Watch the Bloomberg Turn leave West Mill in the video below:
Later, at Bloomberg Industrial Park, the Turn delivers the HRC and EL cars loaded with perishables from Empire Produce, and NH #36116 loaded with new cans from American Can in Deering Jct., Maine.
The non-player RI car is set out at Woodstock Natural soda for more of their new Kale & Gooseberry flavored beverage. We'll see if it plays in Peoria!
NYC Early Bird #90718 is delivered to REVCO to be loaded with an assortment of indispensable kitchen gadgets for the modern home!
That concludes the KPD's involvement in this...HOLD IT! International Paper has just contacted West Mill Yard regarding a certain Penn Central boxcar that was supposed to be sent to them empty via the KP&W at Binghamton. The KP&W reported that no such car was placed on their most recent WiBi and advised the paper company to contact West Mill.

Sure enough, PC #229046 is buried in the yard without a way bill. It isn't clear what sort of communication breakdown led to the failure to add this car to the WiBi that dropped off the red GM&O car, but at least the mystery is solved AND no perishable materials are rotting away inside! Oh OK. I forgot to include the car on the WiBi! Don't tell Cappy! :)
The car IS included on the next day's WiBi as it passes though West Mill and is later seen at International Paper. Now THAT officially concludes the KPD's involvement in this series (with only one error this time!) Thanks for following along!