Tuesday, August 8, 2017

P.C.C.M. #37: Cars for Terminal Yard assembled at West Mill

Hello everyone!   Time to initiate the next Penn Central Car Movement  series (P.C.C.M. #37) between the Kings Port Division and John's New York Central Train Layout.    The yard crew at West Mill gets things started by assembling a cut of cars that will be picked up by Penn Central train WV-2 (Weehawken to Selkirk) for eventual forwarding to Terminal Yard at Empire City.

Faithful SD9 #6922 gets the assignment to pull cars from West Mill Yard for the cut for Terminal Yard.

The first move involves pulling three 60 foot auto parts cars for Ford Motor Co.  The three 60 footers (TOC/PC #350562, KP&W #50335, and NYC #53051) are then set out on the ready track for pick up by WV-2.

The three 60 footers on the ready track in the background, SD9 #6922 pulls PC 50 ft boxcar #229046 loaded with cake mix for Ralph's Grocery Warehouse, and 40 ft. PC boxcar #77047 full of bagged aggregate for Neal's Lumber and Hardware.

The two boxcars are moved over to the next track and pushed into two KP&W steel coil cars for Gervais Pipe and Fittings.

The two PC boxcars and the coil cars are shifted to track #2 to pick up NYC covered hopper #892010 loaded with flour for Hostess Wonder Bread.  A  depressed well flat car is in between the cars but will be set aside later.

The string is moved back to the next track to pick up PC #160502 and TPFX #5510, both empty for University Milling.

Cars are set out on the ready track

The rest of the string couples up after discarding the depressed well flat car

The next work is to pick up to B&M RBL cars from Corning Glass carefully loaded with glass sheets for Superior Furniture.

The two B&M cars join the cut on the ready track.

The next work brings out Yardmaster Cappy Foster who wants to observe the movement of a large bridge girder load on a drop end mill gondola with two spacer flat cars. 

Two empty TOFCs are coupled to the end of the girder load consist.

The girder load and TOFCs are set out on the ready track.

#6922 runs back into the yard for the last move, picking up P&E #3638  loaded with packaged meals for Pilgrim State Hospital and BAR #5526 also loaded with packaged meals for Shaw's Grocery Warehouse in Wells Maine.

Cars for WV-2 are now ready to go!

Next Up: WV-2 arrives for the pick up.


  1. To: West Mill
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge pending departure of freight cars for Terminal Yard.

    Nice mix of old and new common cars Ralph! Always a good time watching the P.C.C.M. action develop at West Mill under the supervision of Cappy Foster! I like the way you have some of the cars getting picked up by WV-2 going to Selkirk and then to either Terminal Yard or other destinations using the R.T.M.F. Well Done!

  2. Very nice start to the next P.C.C.M. movement. Lot's of action to be had. Looks like the N.Y.C.T.L. will be busy down the road.

  3. Great looking consist ready to be picked up. Cappy is always on his A game with the requirements for the girder load. Looking forward to the next installment.

  4. Nice varied selection of cars, especially those coil cars. I agree with Brian, Cappy is always on the top of his game. Thx
