My last installment of the series finds cars for local businesses around West Mill and the KP&W Mountain Branch up to Bloomberg sitting at West Mill.
The West Mill local job consists of SP 40 foot boxcar #127433 loaded with rolled cardboard from Rockmount Supply for Canton Box Co. LV #8247 is loaded with delicious and refreshing Tivoli Beer for Reynolds Beverage Distributors.
The red CB&Q gon is going to be set out for shredded scrap loading at Sal's Salvage
The Bloomberg cut includes red TPFX car #5510 loaded with fresh fruit from Empire Produce for Van Winkle Canning
Blue B&M 40 foot boxcar #74005 is loaded with electrical components for Zenith TV. KP&W boxcar #15638 is empty to be loaded with Zenith TVs for Three Amigos Warehouse.
Two "non-virtual ops" KP&W covered hoppers for Bloomberg's Agway flesh out this short train.
A little bit of switching places GP9 #7175 inside the West Mill Local cut with the CB&Q gon at the head end.
This small local train rolls out of West Mill passing yard switcher #8951 which is waiting to pull the Bloomberg cut.
#8951 heads down the yard track to grab the Bloomberg cars.
Meanwhile the West Mill local moves toward nearby Sal's Salvage for an easy set-out
After the red gon is spotted on Sal's track the local drops off SP #127433 at Canton Box Co.
Two thirds of the work completed, the rest of the local heads out of town to reach Reynolds Beverage Distributors.
The brakeman throws the switch so the Geep can shove LV #8247 toward Reynolds Beverages' loading dock.
Rattling over the diamond crossing of two spurs, the car then passes over Ulster Ave's grade crossing...
...and is spotted at Reynolds.
The easy job done, the Geep heads home to West Mill.
Meanwhile, switcher #8951 is pulling the Bloomberg cut out of the yard so it will be in position to head up the KP&W Mountain Branch.
The KP&W is experiencing a rare motive power shortage as several units currently require maintenance, including KP&W GP9 #742 which is receiving a new prime mover at Kings Port. The Bloomberg run will be headed today by PC loaner, GP9 #7085 still decorated in pre-merger PRR livery.
West Mill provides a PC transfer caboose with legendary conductor "Fingers" O'Malley holding court on the rear porch.
The Bloomberg Run takes the KP&W Mountain Branch
Moving on to Van Winkle Canning, TPFX #5510 loaded with fresh fruit is spotted at the loading dock.
The last work of the series, empty KP&W boxcar #15638 and B&M #74005 loaded with electrical components are set out at Zenith TV across the tracks from Quality Fabrications
GP9 #7085 cuts off from the cars for Zenith and will run light back to West Mill.
This completes the KPD's participation in P.C.C.M. #61! Thanks for taking a look!