The story of my layout featuring the fictional Kings Port Division of the Penn Central and my own freelanced Kings Port & Western Railroad. I'm having fun running DC with a roster that includes 30 year old Athearn and Atlas locos, rolling stock with some refurbished Tyco freight cars in the mix, and structures and scenery built on a budget. Thanks for taking a look!
Hi all! One more installment of P.C.C.M. 39 on the Kings Port Division as this series has required four trains to deliver cars from Terminal Yard to their consignees. In the last installment the Kings Port Turn had exchanged cars at Williams Yard and is now heading back to West Mill. Not long after leaving the yard the train stops to drop off the first two cars behind the locomotives at Battaglia Brothers Warehouse.
The cars are cut from the rest of the train...
Both cars are loaded with cabinets from University Millworks.
Backing the cars into the siding that reaches Battaglia Bros. Warehouse.
PC #160502 and TPFX #5510 are spotted at the warehouse
The locos return to pull the train out of town.
The Kings Port Turn later approaches the GULF oil facility.
A string of GULF tankers and Gulf Mobile & Ohio boxcar #21129 will be picked up by the Turn. The GM&O boxcar is loaded with 55 gallon drums of cutting oil for Walsh Steel Wool.
The train's power is cut and moves ahead of the turnout to GULF.
Pulling the cars...
The pick-ups at GULF completed, the Turn heads home.
Arriving at West Mill
Passing WM Tower and the KarTrak scanner.
Entering West Mill Yard.
The train is tied up and the crew "goes to beans". This concludes the work of the Kings Port Turn and the Kings Port Division's role in P.C.C.M. 39! Its been a lot of railroading fun!
Thanks for coming along! Check Neal's blog for follow up action on the A.P.R.R.!
Greetings! The Kings Port Turn (WW-2) was dispatched from West Mill and gets to work right away serving a couple of nearby industries. The action starts as Sal's Salvage gets its new loaner excavator from Caterpillar to replace their broken down model. Before the delivery can be made cars are picked up both at GERN and Sal's to clear the track. PC boxcar #104478, loaded
with cement flux for Lombo Concrete in Huntington NY, is picked up for later forwarding to the N.Y.C.T.L. Two gons of shredded automobiles are also picked up.
The pick ups made, the Turn shoves Sal's new excavator into the scrap yard siding. Sal, always a charmer, shouts up at the Turn's crew, "Hey! What tookya so long!?"
The next move is to pick up the P&LE boxcar at Canton Box Co., seen in the background behind the PC boxcar.
P&LE boxcar #35892, load
with packaging cartons for Sunshine Biscuits L.I.C. NY will also be forwarded to the N.Y.C.T.L.
The pick ups at West Mill completed, the train heads out of town.
...and is later seen arriving at Reynolds Beverage Distributors.
PC boxcar # 77047 is loaded with pallets from Neal's Lumber for Reynolds Beverage Distributors. It will be reloaded there with Woodstock Hills Natural Soda for Ralph's Grocery Warehouse..
Backing over Ulster Ave. to access Reynolds Beverage distributors.
The car is set out.
The train is reconnected...
...and moves on to KP Steel.
Arriving near KP Steel in Kings Port.
Set outs and pick ups will be made at KP Steel. The two gons with steel slabs are headed to Mid Island Steel via the N.Y.C.T.L.
TP&W boxcar #627 is loaded with new 55 gallon steel drums that will be forwarded to Drywell Inks.
The twin ALCOS are cut from the train
...and do a back and forth move through the switches by KP Tower to access KP Steel's holding yard.
Picking up the TP&W boxcar...
...and the two gons loaded with steel slabs.
Pushing the pick ups back into the train...
The caboose is cut to allow the train to drop off four coil cars.
The train returns to grab the caboose
The Turn heads toward the Kings Port & Western's Williams Yard
At Williams Yard, the Turn drops off the two TOFCs, the two gons of shredded metal it picked up at Sal's Salvage, and the "buffer " PC boxcar it took from West Mill Yard.
The Turn will pick up PC gondola #288673which was loaded with pipe for the Hudson Valley Ag. Coop.
The Turn (now designated WW-3) leaves Williams Yard for its return run to West Mill.
That's plenty of pics for now! I'll post the second part of the Kings Port Turn and wrap up the Kings Port Division's part in P.C.C.M. 39 tomorrow morning.