Thursday, May 10, 2018

P.C.C.M. 47A: Featuring new moves!


This is the start of Penn Central Car Movement series #47, our next venture into virtual operations between layouts.  We're going off the script a little bit this time by not completely following the Rail Traffic Management Form we developed that lays out the cycles of movements for each car we have in common.   We're doing this to showcase new industries on my Kings Port Division and John's New York Central Train Layout, and to initiate new traffic with Brian's Ralston Creek layout.

Eventually we'll add regularly scheduled car moves for these new industries to the Rail traffic Management Form, but for now we're just going to select appropriate rolling stock to get the job done and see how it goes. Follow along with us on this experimental run!

Moves on my layout will feature the four new industries on my shelf layout that were described in a previous post.  For starters, Zenith TV is shipping new console model televisions to Superior Furniture's show room on the N.Y.C.T.L. and also to Lefty Martin Appliances via Brian's Ralston Creek layout.  

The TVs for Superior Furniture will be shipped in PC 40 foot boxcar #164478 seen below.  Silver roofed PC boxcar #229046, to its left, is being sent empty to Bruce Electrical for more components.   Rock Island cushioned 50 footer #35062 that is barely visible behind the building will go to Lefty Martin Appliances.  Meanwhile Quality Fabrications in the background is shipping machined parts to Reliable Machine on the N.Y.C.T.L. in 50 foot brown NYC boxcar #80755 seen behind the two PC cars.

REVCO is forwarding a boxcar of amazing "Never-Rot" plastic kitchen storage containers as well as pallets of Wonder Egg Poachers to Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage in P&LE boxcar #35892 which is out of sight behind the building.   It is also sending a similar shipment to Ralph's Grocery Warehouse via TOFC.   You can see the trailer's truck cab just to the left of REVCO.

WB-3 (West Mill to Bloomberg) is seen passing a Kings Port & Western tower just outside of town.   Powered by two workhorse KP&W GP9s it has worked its way upgrade into the Catskills to serve several Bloomberg area industries.

The train arrives at the industrial park that includes Quality Fabrications, Zenith, and REVCO.   The first job is to pull the three cars from Zenith...

PC #164478 for Superior Furniture, PC #229046 for Bruce Electrical....

...and Rock Island #35062 for Lefty Martin Appliances.

The string of cars backs up to grab NYC #80755 with parts for Reliable Machine.   Meanwhile the PC trailer has been set on its cab and is about ready to drive away to the TOFC facility near West Mill.

As the trailer for Ralph's Grocery warehouse pulls away from REVCO's loading dock, WB-3 prepares to pick up P&LE boxcar #35892 (seen right behind the trailer) for Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage.

Pick ups completed in this part of town, the train slowly rolls through a few grade crossings to reach Woodstock Hills Natural Soda's new bottling plant, Van Winkle Canning, and Catskill Mountain Press. 

Woodstock Hill's loading dock, seen below, has loaded a small trailer to be shipped TOFC to Ralph's Grocery Warehouse.  The  EL boxcar seen peaking out from behind the loading dock is going to Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage.  WB-3 begins work in this area by pulling PC 40 foot boxcar #77047 from Van Winkle Canning. This load of canned vegetables is also for Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage.

Woodstock Hills employees observe the action from the dock.

PC #77047 and EL #73510,  both headed for Terminal Warehouse and Cold Storage.  The Empire Belt trailer at Catskill Mountain Press in the foreground just got hooked up for its ride to the TOFC facility where it will then be forwarded to Anchor Cargo and Dist.  The EB trailer is loaded with brochures promoting vacations in the Catskills that should attract the hot and gritty folks roasting in the summer in Empire City!

WB-3 moves on to its last stop at the outskirts of town, the AGWAY elevator, to pick up two covered hoppers.  The twin first generation Geeps separate from their train to make the move.

Coupling onto a loaded TLDX#7241 for Cargill on the N.Y.C.T.L.

 ....and PC covered hopper #890658 loaded with cattle feed corn for the Denver Union Stock Yards

After picking up the two covered hoppers they are coupled to the train which is now designated as BW-4 heading back to West Mill.
BW-4 will set these cars out at West Mill Yard for the Penn Central to carry to Selkirk and beyond.

Next up: A few more cars to be forwarded to West Mill from other locations.


  1. To: West Mill
    To: Terminal Yard
    To: Ralston Creek

    From: Rock Ridge

    Acknowledgement of trains WB-3 and BW-4.

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Nice to see the new industries and some new train movements. I really like how you have staged those buildings to create more rail traffic. Looking forward to the next post!

  2. To: Williams Yard / West Mill / Ralston Creek / Rock Ridge
    From Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge pick of freight cars for Terminal Yard by KP&W Train WB-3.

    Terminal Yard out...

    Great way to introduce and showcase the new industries and the K.P.&W.! Lots of new moves for us to enjoy and I really like the T.O.F.C. moves you built into this series. Well Done Ralph!

  3. To: West Mill
    To: Terminal Yard
    To: Rock Ridge

    From: Elkhart

    Acknowledge trains WB-3 and BW-4 from Bloomberg to West Mill.

    Elkhart out.


    The new industries are looking sharp. Really demonstrates the shelf layout concept. I also like your selection of road power for the Bloomberg Turn. GP9’s always a favorite!
