Monday, February 26, 2018

Penn Central Car Movement #44C: UHC-1 Arrives at West Mill

Greetings all!

The latest virtual ops series between three layouts that we call Penn Central Car Movements (P.C.C.M.s) is focusing on two unit coal trains, one empty (UHC-1) and one fully loaded (UHC-2).     The former (UHC-1) is a train of empty coal hoppers dispatched from Neal's Atlantic Pacific R.R. for Hudson Coal on John R.'s New York Central Train Layout.   The latter (UHC-2) is a train of loaded hoppers from Hudson Coal heading to Neal's layout for consignees such as R.M.O. Electric Company.   So, we have trains coming from both directions heading toward West Mill Yard on my layout.  

See the action begin as UHC-1 departs Neal's layout:

...and check out UHC-2 departing from John's:  

The red signal at the south end of town warns of the approach of Unit Train Hudson Coal-1 (UHC-1) from Weehawken.

Headed by U28C #6533, the same unit seen in Neal's blog post about UHC-1 leaving Weehawken,  the train slows as it approaches West Mill.

The long string of empties slowly rolls by.

Cappy Foster, Yardmaster at West Mill, sends out one of his minions to talk to the crew in #6533.  Its stopped about 200 yards past the tower.  "A good way to get some exercise!",  promises Cappy.

The plan is for UHC-1 to pick up a few more empty hoppers here...

 ...but while preparing to make that move, manifest freight WV-2 (Weehawken to Selkirk) which has been running hot right behind the coal train is expected to pass by any minute.

 Another red indication on the signal tower heralds WV-2's arrival.

WV-2's lead unit overtakes UHC-1.

WV-2 continues through West Mill toward Selkirk.

WV-2 approaches WM tower and an ACI scanner that will track the cars on its much touted computer system...which works great as long as the ACI plaques on the cars aren't covered with dirt!  WM's towerman has come down from the tower for a visual roll-by inspection.

As WV-2's caboose passes by, WM's towerman completes his roll-by inspection and heads back upstairs. 

That's it for now!   Next up:  UHC-2 arrives from the North to set up "Meet Me at West Mill!"


  1. To: West Mill
    To: Terminal Yard

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement arrival UHC-1 and WV-2 at West Mill

    Rock Ridge Yard Out!

    Great work on setting up multiple trains arriving at West Mill. Nice that WV-2 followed the coal train. Cappy Foster and his crew will be very busy!

    1. Thanks Neal! Thought I'd liven things up with another train over taking UHC-1.

  2. Some exciting action with the arrival of UHC-1 and WV-2 at West Mill. I’m glad Cappy Foster looks out for the welfare and health of his employees. It’s only 200 yards. Looking forward to the arrival of UHC-2 , great segment!

  3. To: West Mill / Rock Ridge
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge arrival of PC Trains UHC-1 and WV-2 at West Mill

    Terminal Yard out...

    Nicely done Ralph! Cappy and the minions look to have matters well in hand as UHC-2 approaches from the North.
