Wednesday, December 12, 2018

P.C.C.M. #53: Unexpected Epilogue!

 Hello all,

Well, the Kings Port Division thought it had completed this last series of car forwarding without a hitch..that is until this communique reached the desk of West Mill Freight Agent "Tweed" Simpson.
"To:       Freight Agent, West Mill
From:    Freight Agent, Terminal Yard
Subject: Inquiry from shipper American Hardware Supply re; loaded PC boxcar 272242.

1. American Hardware Supply in Bedford Park NY has made a freight claim to this office after being notified by consignee Peerless Appliance in Mayfield NY that freight loaded into Penn Central boxcar 272242 has failed to reach its destination.

2. Investigation in this matter reveals the following;
A. December 08th: PC boxcar 272242 is picked up loaded at American Hardware Supply by Bedford Park Yard Job. PC 272242 is then forwarded to Terminal Yard in PC train Extra 2857.
B. December 09th: PC 272242 is recorded as leaving Terminal Yard for Selkirk in Train NG-3
C. December 11th: PC 272242 is recorded as an arriving empty for Peerless Appliance upon arriving at West Mill.
D. December 12th: PC 272242 is delivered to ACME Auto Parts in Mayfield NY.
E. Company records (attached) indicate that the car in question, PC 272242 , is last reported as loaded from American Hardware Supply consigned to Peerless Appliance.

Please make all available inquiries to determine the status of the load and freight car so that we may report back to American Hardware Supply.

Submitted for your information;
Terminal Yard Freight Agent."
The car in question, Penn Central Hi Cube #272242, was last seen being set out at ACME Auto Parts and identified as Empty!
Tweed gets on the horn to his KP&W counterpart, the Freight Agent in Mayfield, Mick Micklin.

"Hey Mick, don't you guys on that little railroad like your jobs?

"What's up Tweed?"

"Mick, I got the Terminal Yard Freight Agent on my back about a load of missing hardware...supposed to go to Peerless?"

"Oh yeah!  The PC Hi Cube!  I was just gonna call ya about that.  We set it out as an empty at ACME according to your waybill but its actually loaded for Peerless Appliance.  A kid filling in at the ACME loading dock during the lunch hour signed for it.  We got an earful from the ACME dock foreman about a half hour later."

"Aw geez.  OK, can you help me out here and forward the car to Peerless ASAP?"

"Sure!  Its being done as we speak.  A crew is heading over there now.  Your Hi Cube should be delivered by 3PM."

"That's great Mick!  Thanks.  I owe you a six pack of Heileman's."

"Throw in a pint of Cavendish and ya got a deal!  So, what happened?"

"Best we can tell the ACI scanner at WM Tower didn't pick the car up because of excessive dirt on the plaque.  Great system except when it ain't!"
"It sat dark in the yard until the crew wanted to move it." 
"Then someone pulled last week's waybill and didn't notice the date so it got sent to its prior destination...ACME as an empty." 

"We shoulda caught that one too Tweed.  Oh well.  At least its not a  perishable load!   Good luck with the Terminal Yard Agent."

"Aw, he's a good guy.  I'll tell him what happened so he can put the customer's mind to rest.  Catch ya later Mick!"

Shortly after this call was concluded a KP&W S-12 approaches the Hi Cube while ACME employees hang around to watch.

A short time later PC #272242 is set out at its proper location and Peerless Appliance gets its hardware!

NOW, the King Port Division's role in this series is completed!  Remember...ship by rail!  :)


  1. To: West Mill / Mayfield Freight Agents
    From: Terminal Yard Freight Agent

    Acknowledge delivery of PC Hi Cube 272742 to consignee Peerless Appliance.

    Terminal Yard Freight Agent out...

    Great job correcting this very prototypical situation with style and humor!!! A definite bonus for the K.P.D. and P.C.C.M. followers with another well done blog entry. Looks like the new fangled ACI scanners are having some issues.

  2. Great little story to finish off the series. Has shades of the 1969 Potato debacle at Selkirk. Glad to see the PC and KP&W staff were able to clear up the confusion. Both GERN and Agway were very satisfied with the service they received on those last minute deliveries.

  3. Now that is one great story, and probably happens more times than we would hear of on the real railroads! So did you send the Cavendish and Heileman package to the Terminal Yard agent as well? I think he deserves something for the aggravation it caused..

  4. Wow! I thought this sort of thing only happens on the BROSSBURG R.R.!...On my previous layout, the ALLEGHENY LAKE ERIE R.R. (ALE), a car sat on a siding nearly a year until I found the waybill under the layout! (Glad it wasn't carrying fish.)
