Sunday, May 26, 2019

Cars are assembled for Train WV-2 to pick up for Selkirk and beyond.

Hello there!

After getting all of the intra-layout moves taken care of in advance of P.C.C.M. #61 in my previous post, its time to gather cars headed for Terminal Yard on John 's New York Central Train Layout, and those going toward Elkart for eventual forwarding to Brian's Ralston Creek Railroad.   While there is no traffic heading to Neal's A.P.R.R. from the Kings Port Division this time we are expecting cars from his Rock Ridge Yard to be forwarded to West Mill later in this series.

Keep an eye on John's, Brian's and Neal's blogs for additional P.C.C.M. 61 action!

Freight cars destined for John's N.Y.C.T.L. this time include:

Six empty coal hoppers and two empty 38 foot hoppers from KP Steel seen being pulled by the KP&W

The cars are set out at West Mill by a KP&W Transfer Run.

Hoschton Railway Co. boxcar #954367 is pulled from Reynolds Beverage Distributors to be sent empty to Terminal Yard.   Green door NYC Early Bird #90718 behind it is loaded with bagged cement from Booms Ready Mix for Neal's Lumber and Hardware.

The two cars are later seen at West Mill Yard waiting to be included on a train to Selkirk and beyond.  

PC boxcar #104478 is pulled from GERN Industries loaded with cement flux for Lombo Concrete. The GERN covered hopper behind it is going to the Colorado GERN Distribution Facility (Brian's layout).

They can be seen below at West Mill

PC 50 ft. boxcar #360063 is pulled from Blue Ribbon Flour with a load of cake mixes for Ralph's Grocery Warehouse. 

The car joins others at West Mill for future assembly into a train for Terminal Yard.

P&LE drop end gon # 40331 was loaded with long telephone poles at Bell Pole and Lumber across the tracks from AGWAY for a NY State highway project.  The car will be interchanged with the LIRR on John's layout.

The gon with two flat car spacers to accommodate the extra long load is set out at West Mill.

Other cars to be sent toward Elkart from Selkirk (for Brian) include this pair of PC covered hoppers loaded with used wort from Cavendish Foods that will be used as cattle feed at the Denver Stock Yards...

...these GT and CN boxcars.

...and the GERN covered hopper seen earlier being pulled from West Mill's GERN facility.

 West Mill's yard switcher assembles a long cut of cars for WV-2 (Weehawken to Selkirk) to pick up.   First up is the block for Elkart

The cars are set out on the ready track for easy pick up.  

The next block is composed of cars that will be forwarded to the LIRR after arriving at Terminal Yard on the N.Y.C.T.L., the PC boxcar of bagged GERN Cement Flux for Lombo Concrete...

and a load of poles for the NYS DOT Region #10 highway project.

The second block is coupled onto the first.

The third block is composed of cars for industries served on the N.Y.C.T.L. ... 

...and is added to the growing cut for WV-2

Finally, the string of hoppers pulled from KP Steel is added to the cut for Selkirk.  The GT boxcar in the background is at the end of the long cut scheduled to head north.

The hoppers join it and the other cars for Selkirk... a line of cars that stretches the length of West Mill Yard.

That's enough for now but the next installment tomorrow will feature the arrival of WV-2 to pick up this long cut to forward the cars to Terminal Yard and Elkart.  Thanks for following along!


  1. To: West Mill / Williams Yard / Rock Ridge / Elkhart
    From: Terminal Yard

    Acknowledge pending departure from West Mill of PC Train VV-2.

    Terminal Yard out...

    The 'gathering' are some of my favorite blog posts of any PCCM series. I really enjoy seeing the freight cars getting gathered up, sorted and blocked into an outbound train that consists of cars that will appear on the virtual ops layouts. West Mill continues to be the rail hub of the Catskills and the PCCMs and the PC and KP&W once again have done a fine job getting the outbound traffic ready to go. Nice work!

  2. To: West Mill
    To: Elkhart
    To: Terminal Yard

    From: Rock Ridge Yard

    Acknowledgement - Scheduled departure of Train WV-2

    Rock Ridge Out!

    I have to agree with Sir John that a gathering of freight cars in West Mill is always great sight to see. The PC would have been proud to have the KP&W as a partner back in the day!
